Saturday, December 5, 2009

See John C. Mac Iver's Baptism Online!

I am the very last one to go so you may fast forward to the end. However, most people who watch this find it so inspirational that they watch most if not the entire thing!

Click Here:

Note after you click choose The New Brunswick campus 9:30 service!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Comforting Hearts Ministries Survey

Please take a few minutes to take the following survey to help us determine our 2010 budget and proposed projects. It will only take about 2 minutes.

Click here:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Life And What It Means To Me, John C. Mac Iver

This Sunday November 22, 2009 something inside me changed and I am going to try to explain it. If you are of a Catholic, Lutheran, etc. and you baptise babies you may not understand. If you are Baptist, Pentecostal, or most Non-Denominational you will understand as we believe that baptism is an outward sign of an inward change of heart. Therefore it can only be done to adults or a child who understands it's symbolism; Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.
I was baptised shortly after I was saved at 13 years old but I didn't do it because I understood all it's implications, I did it because I wanted to be a member of Manahawkin Baptist Church. So as an adult I came to understanding of what baptism really meant. So all of my adult life I have wanted to be re-baptised or in my case baptised with understanding. The only problem for me was that it never felt right until this past Sunday.
I was visiting with my wife her church called Liquid Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey. I knew before I went that they were doing a baptism and I was curious about how they were going to do it in a hotel. I did not expect however that they would offer an open baptism, which would be offered to anyone who wanted to take that step of faith.
Well my dear Hearts, I was finally ready and after 26 years of wanting to and not feeling that I was in the right place, everything changed, and I lined up for spontaneous baptism.
The church was great they had like an assembly set up to take me through the process. First they lead me to two women volunteers; one interviewed me and the other recorded and edited it. That became my testimony that some Australian guy read before i was immersed. They had everything and to my surprise they had it in my size! They gave me swim trunks, a Liquid tee shirt and flip flops. They took me to a room to change and gave me instructions. They took great detail to make sure that I knew what I was doing and why.
My testimony included how my sin eventually lead me into prison and I felt like I was being cleansed from my dark secret. I truly believed, and still believe that when I came out of that water I was a new person. I also felt it was a wake-up call to those who would judge me based on my past. And now they can do what they like because God has forgiven me and has made me new despite what my critics might say.
So that's it I feel clean, excited and free, for the first time in many years maybe for the first time ever. God bless you all for reading this long testimony!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bad Things

Dear Hearts,
I know you've heard the expression "Bad Things Happen To Good People." Now I am not sure I think of myself as a particularly good person, because I have past sins in my life like everyone else, maybe more. However, in this case I am a bad person trying to turn my life around and do what the Bible commands in Matthew 6, "But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well." We have always been taught that if we seek God first in our lives things will go smoothly all the time. Well friends sometimes God in His infinite wisdom allows bad things to happen to us that don't seem fair. For example someone found out I was in prison, a fact I do not try to hide, on the other hand it is really nobody's business what sins I have committed in the past! I wonder if anyone who may be reading this would say that yes others have the right to know your personal sins? Well that's exactly what woman named ***** believed. So as I am prone to do I answered her honestly, too honestly, and she used the information to destroy the Not The Youth Group. In addition she manipulated the situation to humiliate my wife and I.
So in the final analysis, God in His majestic wisdom allows the bad to fall on the good and the bad. That's Just the way it is and I love Him!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still Not The Youth Group!

Another incredible night of deep down to the heart sharing and light hearted laughter! Were Not The Youth Group but we have to be the best group of them all! Is that boasting? I don't know, I'll confess it tomorrow!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not The Youth Group!

It was a lively group tonight! We've decided to name our group, "Not The Youth Group!" Just about everyone was involved but all went away feeling that we were deep into our relationship with God and each other! We may not be the youth group but we're not dead yet either! Penny and I look forward to next week!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Our First Life Group Meeting

This was our first life group meeting and we put a lot of time into it, blessed time. We had a great group meeting, and that is because we have an exceptional group of people in attendance! All shared from their hearts and we had no need for "ice breakers!" These people came pre-cracked! The only negative thing that was reported to us was the fact that despite the candles, strategically placed around the room the odor from our sick dog was noticeable. So we will be working on that this week. We were honored that we had such an honest group that they were able to tell us about it. But Praise God for all things! Next week we plan to eat the group as part of a ritual sacrifice! Until then, God bless you all!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Life Groups and John C. Mac Iver

This blog has been dormant for too long. Now that Penny and I are starting a new home Bible study for Liquid Church in New Brunswick I think I might have more to say. We went to the leaders meeting last night and it was filled with those weird, alive, on fire for the Lord kind of people, you know the type, the type we wish we were. The type we were when we first got saved. Boy I really hate going into a room with too many people smiling! I never know whether they like me or want to eat me. Wow I watch way too many zombie movies! I used the joke that I was the youth group at my church meaning that I was one of the youngest at 44 but I don't think they got it, I will have to work on my delivery! My over all impression was that this was a group of committed Christians who love the Lord and want to serve Him the best way they can. My wife and I too are in this number. I don't go to Liquid but I love them just the same and I hope to have many funny and touching stories in the coming weeks! God bless you all! And God bless America, only! (that's just a small political joke).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bad News For CHM, But God Will Provide

Bad News for Comforting Hearts Ministries!For the last year Gateway Pregnancy centers graciously allowed us to use their color copier for free and we were able to produce some beautiful Heart Warmers. Unfortunately with the current economic climate they can no longer afford us. So now we must pay to have our news letters printed. That's why we came up with the 20/20 project. We need 20 people to pledge $20.00 per month to pay for the printing. We currently have 18 volunteers. Will you help us? It is our prayer that we will be able to keep producing this valuable resource. Would you help save the Heart Warmer? We now accept Mastercard, Visa and Discover Card for your convience!
Contact us at

Friday, January 9, 2009

God Always Provides!

Welcome to another Corner Blog! This month I want to tell you about an experience we had here at Comforting Hearts Ministries.
We are going through a rough financial time right now and our Non-Profit permit for our mailing is about to expire.
On February 5 of this year we have to pay the Post Office $180.00 for 2009. Just to have the blessing of saving on postage. And believe me it is a considerable savings in comparison with $.42 stamps.
Well, we sent out an urgent e-mail explaining the situation an asking our friends and clients for help in raising the money.
Let me tell you I was nervous. Every time I went to my e-mail I heard the sound of crickets! No one was responding.
Well, yesterday we received 3 pledges totaling over what we needed for the Post office.
I had been discouraged for days because I was relying on people to supply our needs. I should have been relying on God who has never let us down.
Another example of how God provides is that last year we budgeted $5,000 for the year but it cost us over $8,000. And God provided every penny. This year we are trusting God for $10,000 for our budget. That’s what you call a faith budget! Because we have no regular source of income. No church supports us. Please pray for us this year that God will provide not only funds but guidance.