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This is a place where I can place my thoughts, my feelings, display things I care about. If you can relate to anything I have to say please let me know!
Dear Hearts,
I know you've heard the expression "Bad Things Happen To Good People." Now I am not sure I think of myself as a particularly good person, because I have past sins in my life like everyone else, maybe more. However, in this case I am a bad person trying to turn my life around and do what the Bible commands in Matthew 6, "But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well." We have always been taught that if we seek God first in our lives things will go smoothly all the time. Well friends sometimes God in His infinite wisdom allows bad things to happen to us that don't seem fair. For example someone found out I was in prison, a fact I do not try to hide, on the other hand it is really nobody's business what sins I have committed in the past! I wonder if anyone who may be reading this would say that yes others have the right to know your personal sins? Well that's exactly what woman named ***** believed. So as I am prone to do I answered her honestly, too honestly, and she used the information to destroy the Not The Youth Group. In addition she manipulated the situation to humiliate my wife and I.
So in the final analysis, God in His majestic wisdom allows the bad to fall on the good and the bad. That's Just the way it is and I love Him!