Friday, September 18, 2009

Life Groups and John C. Mac Iver

This blog has been dormant for too long. Now that Penny and I are starting a new home Bible study for Liquid Church in New Brunswick I think I might have more to say. We went to the leaders meeting last night and it was filled with those weird, alive, on fire for the Lord kind of people, you know the type, the type we wish we were. The type we were when we first got saved. Boy I really hate going into a room with too many people smiling! I never know whether they like me or want to eat me. Wow I watch way too many zombie movies! I used the joke that I was the youth group at my church meaning that I was one of the youngest at 44 but I don't think they got it, I will have to work on my delivery! My over all impression was that this was a group of committed Christians who love the Lord and want to serve Him the best way they can. My wife and I too are in this number. I don't go to Liquid but I love them just the same and I hope to have many funny and touching stories in the coming weeks! God bless you all! And God bless America, only! (that's just a small political joke).